Music Ministry at FUMCA

 The music program and First UMC Alexandria is a worship-focused ministry. We believe that good musicianship makes a real difference in people’s worship. We know that as we improve musically and allow God to lead us, our church will also thrive and be spirit led. All of our musical groups are friendly and would love to welcome you. 

We are striving for excellence and consider our job to be two-fold. At times we represent the congregation, giving God the glory He so rightly deserves. At other times, we represent the word of God to His people. This communication between God and the congregation is made more accessible though our music and the songs we worship to. From the true beginner, to the professional musician, you will find a home here where you can grow both spiritually and musically among friends. 

Upcoming Music Events

May 2024
June 2024
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The Chancel Choir


 This is a traditional choir that leads the worship at our 11:00am Traditional Service each week. We sing everything from Gospel to traditional hymns using a wide variety of music and choir anthems to enhance the pastor’s message and the theme of the worship service.

No prior experience is necessary to join the Chancel Choir. If you desire to connect to Jesus in new ways, singing is a wonderful way to both serve your church and grow in your spiritual life. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 PM. We warm up on Sundays at 10:30 AM in the choir room. 

The Handbell Choir

This group is fun! Our goal is to have 10-15 people join this group. We currently have five regulars who will surprise you with how much they can do in spite of these numbers. We rehearse each Wednesday 5:30-6:15 PM.

If you have any note-reading experience from school band or chorus, you could be a huge help to us. If you have no experience, don’t think you’re a singer, or would like to learn how to read music, this is a group where you can learn gradually. At rehearsal we laugh a lot and enjoy playing together. Come gain knowledge and some great friends. 

Contemporary Praise Band

This group practices on Sundays mornings prior to the 8:30 casual service and occasionally on Wednesday nights. Rehearsal attendance is not mandatory to join us for 8:30 AM Worship. This service is truly casual. We sing from our hearts and just WORSHIP! There is always coffee and a group of friendly faces. It’s a great way to kick of your Sunday and your week.

This service includes percussion, clapping, hand raising, testimonies, and sincere worship. We sing everything from old hymns with a new spin on them, to music that just came out this month. Join us any time. We would love to worship beside you. You can contact the music director to receive links to the songs in advance for your personal preparation. 

'Oli 'Oli Music Camp

Registration for Music Camp is full. Children who have completed Kindergarten through high school seniors are welcome to participate in this unique opportunity! From 1 – 5 p.m. on July 10 – 13, 2023, various musicians will demonstrate their styles of music and teach students with hands-on activities. The camp is provided at no cost for the first 50 participants; after that, the cost is $35 per child. 


Church is more than just a building or a weekly service. It's a community of believers coming together to support and encourage one another in their faith. Join us for worship on Sundays to participate in our community of faith.


The Bible tells us that we are not meant to go through life alone, and church is a great place to find support and friendship. If you've been feeling isolated or lonely, consider getting back to church and connecting with others.


We offer learning opportunities for all ages, from children to adults. Join a Sunday school class, Bible study, or other small group to continue learning and growing on your faith journey.


Church isn't just about receiving; it's also about giving back and serving others. If you're looking for ways to make a positive impact in your community, consider getting back to church and getting involved in service opportunities.