Children's Ministry at FUMCA

Children are a gift from God, and we want every child — and their family members (ever how that may be defined or look) to feel the love of God and sense of belonging to a community of faith. We believe that life is best shared in community. We want to celebrate joys and support one another in our sorrows. Through the presence of loving, skilled teachers and leaders, we make it a point to teach the stories of the Bible and the lessons of faith. We build in moments to serve the community within and beyond the church’s walls. Beyond that, we find room for teenagers and young adults to connect with younger children and minister with them along the way. It’s part of a natural, intentional approach to discipleship. People learn best by doing.

Upcoming Children's Events

May 2024
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Children's Sunday School

Children currently meet in two separate groups for Sunday school: Kindergarten through second grade and third through fifth grade. Children engage in some active learning and discussions using resources from the Godly Play series. This curriculum is focused on helping children discover meaning through story, wonder, and play. Its mission includes nurturing spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children. 

Sunday School meets in between the worship services on Sunday mornings, from 9:45 – 10:45 AM. The children’s classrooms are located in the Johnson Center, across from the gym.

Children's Church

During the traditional service, children of all ages are invited to the altar for a children’s moment in worship. This brief children’s sermon offers an interactive and age-appropriate lesson on the sermon topic for the day.

Afterward, younger children are invited to follow adults to the chapel for a devotion. They also play quiet games before they join their parents for the end of the worship service.

Wednesday Night Activities

Each Wednesday night, as part of The Gathering, children have a variety of activities planned from 5:45 – 7:15 PM. Elizabeth Nix teaches a children’s choir, there is a devotional for children, and members of the congregation share their talents and offer special age-appropriate activities related to their work or hobbies. Wednesday nights are focused on bringing the children of the church closer to one another and closer to the the members of our broader congregation.

Seasonal Activities

Throughout the year, there are special seasonal activities that are planned for children. A few of the traditional activities include Easter egg hunts, scavenger hunts, Fall Fun Fest, and Vacation Bible School. However, there are always new and exciting adventures in the works! Watch the church calendar for additional events, or get in touch with Brandon Tubbs to discuss specific programming for children. 

Vacation Bible School

VBS is June 19 – 22, 2023 for children ages 4 years old to fifth grade. Vacation Bible School runs from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

During VBS this year, meet Daniel and hear how he and his friends kept their faith in a faithless culture while experiencing the sights, sounds, tastes, and unique culture of Babylon. 

'Oli 'Oli Music Camp

Children who have completed Kindergarten through high school seniors are welcome to participate in this unique opportunity! Various musicians will demonstrate their styles of music and teach students with hands-on activities. Registration is free and available online and is limited to 50 participants. Music camp is scheduled from 1 – 5 p.m. on July 10 – 13, 2023.


Church is more than just a building or a weekly service. It's a community of believers coming together to support and encourage one another in their faith. Join us for worship on Sundays to participate in our community of faith.


The Bible tells us that we are not meant to go through life alone, and church is a great place to find support and friendship. If you've been feeling isolated or lonely, consider getting back to church and connecting with others.


We offer learning opportunities for all ages, from children to adults. Join a Sunday school class, Bible study, or other small group to continue learning and growing on your faith journey.


Church isn't just about receiving; it's also about giving back and serving others. If you're looking for ways to make a positive impact in your community, consider getting back to church and getting involved in service opportunities.